Existing Ausnet refuse to fix sagging Transmission Lines

Landholders disgusted with Ausnet signage

On the 15th Ausgust 2023  Ausnet illegally entered Mr Andy Maher’s and Mr Rodney Guthrie’s properties without consent, without use pf bio security protocols and erected signage stopping any machinery over three meters in high passing under the Ballarat Bendigo Transmission Line in their paddocks.

The two landholders are very distressed, visibly upset set and annoyed that Ausnet has breached the guildelines for maintaining the transmission lines in a safe working state.

Both landholders have been in close contact with Energy and Infrastructure Commission Mr Andrew Dyer. Unfortunately All local Politicians, Federal Infrstructure Minister Catherine King, State MP Michaela Settle and State MP Martha Haylett have disappeared on this matter. 

This action by Ausnet renders these farmers equipment useless, as all machinery is over 3 meters in height. And Mr Maher state of the art Pivoting Lateral Irrigator unusable in the paddock with these ridiculous new restrictions.

Ausnet Field Officer Mick Harkin and Executive General Manager have attempted to apologise to both landholders.   

New Ausnet boss, the third is 18 months Malcolm Tinkler is nowhere to be seen.

Energy and Infrastructure Commissioner Mr Andrew Dyer's letter to Ausnet

Ausnet Guildelines around 220 kv Transmission Lines

Ausnet Guildelines around Bio Security

Victorian Rural Report Interview with Energy and Infrastructure Commission Andrew Dyer https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/western-victoria-mildura-swan-hill-rural-report/western-vic,-mildura-swan-hill-and-central-vic-rural-report/102762982#

Victorian Country Hour 44 minute mark Interview with Dean Farmer Andy Maher And Ausnet's Steven Neave response 46 minute mark https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/vic-country-hour/victorian-country-hour/102752000?utm_campaign=abc_listen&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_listen

 Ausnet’s Prue Crawford-Flett – Executive General Manager Network Operations and Safety, field officer Mick Harkin, risk management Kelly Parkinson, local MP Martha Haylett, Hepburn Shire Council and Energy and Infrastructure Commissioner Andrew Dyer have been made fully aware of the sagging transmission lines, yet nothing has been rectified.
When these lines clash and  sparks fly the wombat forest will be history. To make matters worse we are in an El Niño event and the landscape is drying out at an extreme rate.
Who will take responsibility for this, when the people living here pleaded for action and it has fallen on deaf ears.

Andy Maher's Ausnet permit, which has a "no-go zone" and is completely unworkable.... Ausnet's Kelly Parkinson shows his complete lack of understanding of farming practices

John Deere S780 and Ausnet have it wrong...

John Deere S780 header height is 4900 + 800mm when grain tank is full. Total height is 5700mm.

Just fix the sagging lines Ausnet!!!

13th Feb 2024 six transmission towers collapse in high winds north of Geelong Victoria!!

When the towers fell over the spot price of power went from $30.14 @ 10:55am to $6,228.57 @10.55am to $16,600 @ 1:35pm