Property owners as apart of pissoffausnet have made a stand, led by young female farmer Joee Aganetti Fraser. Joee ploughed the pissoffausnet sign onto the hill at Mount Prospect 3 years ago.
Property owners have refused any money, gift vouches, or other forms of enticement from Ausnet.
Property owners had made a strong and united stance not to negotiate with Ausnet or AEMO and have locked their gates to them.
Ausnet replaced WNL boss Stepahnie Mcgregor after 2 1/4 years, which saw the project at an impasse and numerous bungled efforts to force access to properties.
They have now brought in Jeff Rigby who made an immediate impact at the Dean Reserve.
He held a small meeting along with AEMO CEO Daniel Westerman, Ausnet CEO Tony Narvaez and around 12 mebers of Pissoffausnet and StopThe Towers.
This meeting was quickly shut down when pissoffausnet members reaffirmed that Ausnet and AEMO were locked out of properties.
As Ausnets CEO disappeared out a side door a tractor rally of 50 tractors lined the exit points of the Dean Reserve.
During the 3 years of bully and harassment by Ausnet land officers they claimed Section 93 would get Ausnet access to properties. This was supported by local MP Catherine King.
Unfortunately for Ausnet and Ms King, this was proven to be a complete lie. Ausnet Jamahl Waddington who led the land officers for Ausnet experienced the failings of this at Ballan firsthand. He was stopped at the gate and told leave, see picture below he looks unhappy with Archie’s tractor blocking the gate!!